• Dear Visitor,
  • I am extremely happy and grateful to welcome you to my website, allow me to introduce myself in a few words.
  • I was born in 1981 and received my economy degree in 2004. I had several different jobs after graduating, however deep down I felt that I should be doing something else. Something where I can be creative, where I can create beautiful things. Something that not only makes me happy, but also brings happiness to others.
  • Therefore I went and bought my own first professional camera, participated in many workshops and then went on to graduate as a „Photographer and photo product sales person”. I wanted to learn everything I possibly could about photo shooting. Please feel free to check out some of my previous work on my websites. If you like my photos and would be open for a joint photoshoot then don’t hesitate to contact me! I hope that I can showcase some of your own stunning pictures on my websites soon.
  • (Photos of me: István Eged)